Thursday, February 10, 2005

St. Thomas evening

St. Thomas evening
Today is Saturday, 2/5/2005
We have dinner in The Grand Dining Room again. I forgot to photograph half the courses and couldn't tell you now what they were. I will say that during the evenings, the white wine that was being poured, in no particular order, was Sancerre, French Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio, either Pouilly-Fuisse or Fume, can't remember now. This is what comes of doing this from random slips of paper and not keeping a diary on the laptop. Oh, well, suffice it to say that we liked all the white wines and as usual for us did not drink any of the reds. Also, while Debbie has a limited number of foods she finds acceptable, it looks like she ate a month's worth of filet mignon in 3 nights. She was happy to find that a peppercorn sauce was offered with her steak each time, but sour cream, chives, etc. for her potato offered only 1 out of 3 times. She still came home a pound lighter than when she left. I did not weigh before or after, too much information and all.
We start to watch the movie on TV, "Windtalkers" which we have not seen before but, I fell asleep and Debbie said it was a war movie, she did not like and she went to sleep too. We are almost all packed up and we have an early morning tomorrow.
Some cruises end with a feeling of, your time is up and you need to get out of here and some don't. We have seen both kinds and it seems to vary not only by line but by ship and even from one sailing to the next on the same ship. This was a get off, your time is up cruise end.